Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Etsy Finds and a Lost Wallet

This past Friday I cleaned out my purse while waiting for a friend to get a delicious mid-afternoon ice cream treat. When she got there I got up and threw all the trash away. I distinctly telling myself NOT to throw away my wallet and put it in my purse. The next morning I woke up with a terribly nasty horrendous cold (that I still have) and didn't leave my house. Sunday I picked up my purse to go grocery shopping and it feels surprisingly light. I looked inside and my wallet is GONE! I searched the entire house, my room, car, bathroom (hey, you never know), and anywhere else I could think of. It's no where to be found! I called the ice cream shop and they didn't have it either! I quickly checked my credit/bank card accounts and none of them have been used (thank goodness!).

It's now Wednesday and I still have no idea where the darn thing went! I may be am most definitely losing my mind...sigh.

Anyhow, all of my cards have been turned off and replacements have been ordered. It was the best wallet I've ever had...simple, classic and, well, perfect. 

The plus side - losing it means I get to go shopping for a new one! I decided to support handmade, naturally, and will be buying my new wallet on Etsy. After spending most of the morning looking, I have decided to go with this one from LBaccessories. She is even going to do a little customizing for me (making the leaves all the darker green color)! I can't wait to get it in the mail!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh I hate losing things and losing a wallet is the worst! Sorry you had to go through all the trouble, though that beautiful new wallet you are getting must cheer you up! Enjoy..:)
