Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How Does You Garden Grow?

Inspired by the garden we had every year growing up and my cousin, Stephinie at Gypsy Forest, Izabella and I have started a backyard garden. Nothing too big or fancy since we don't have a lot of room. Our little area (that already has a trellis behind it!) will have cherry tomatoes, carrots, green beans, peas, cucumbers and maybe some watermelon.

We started our seeds out in cardboard egg crates using soil that was already in our backyard.

Since we didn't have a way to do type markers, I marked the top of eat crate with the first letter from the veggie's name and an arrow pointing to the side it was planted on.

She kept wanting to pour the ENTIRE packet of seeds into each little cup :)

Pushing the seeds in

A completed tray!

We water them with a spray bottle a couple times a day.

They're starting to grow!!

Since it's been really chilly here at night we are currently taking the seeds in and out of the house each morning and night. Izabella loves checking on them. When we had our first sign of life she was SO excited! She loves petting the leaves and talking to her plants, telling them how pretty they are. She started doing this all on her own. I love the kind hearted nature of this kid!

We will be transplanting them into empty, painted and decorated yogurt cups soon. I can't wait to show you those!


  1. How fun! You guys can come and do my yard next! Because I know you love me so much....

  2. haha Yolanda!! I do love you! Get your own kid to plant a garden ;)
